Monday, August 25, 2008

One other thing I kind of hate to leave, but will move to memory mode is the little bush in the foreground. This is from a clipping of the bush from Shepherd Street, which was from a clipping of the bush Daddy planted on Halifax Road in Danville. It is the one with the orange, bell shaped flowers. I thought about asking if I could bring it with me, but it can grow quite large and we would not have room for it. I hope they leave it here and someone can enjoy it some day.

1 comment:

Life on Longfellow said...

Don't be silly on the plant, definitely bring it with you. We've managed to kill just about everything else knowing that we'd focus on the exterior next year. I am confident we can work it into our plans.

If you can keep it alive, you can bring it... this only applies to plants; no dogs, no cats! ;)