Friday, February 5, 2010

Puzzles, Books, Crocheting .. oh, boy

Well, it is now 3:20 p.m. on Friday, and we are under a weather watch for at least 30 more hours with a forecast accumulation of 1-2 feet total snow by tomorrow night. Even the temple is closed tonight and tomorrow! Metro is closing all above ground lines, buses are running on snow routes as long as they can and we have been told to stay off the streets and be prepared to "hunker down" for 3-5 days. So, I have just finished this puzzle, have six more new ones; I have some yarn I can crochet if I get in the mood, and I went to the thrift store and purchased seven "light" reading books - romance and suspense. I also got a new Betty Crocker Cookbook yesterday on 300 calorie meals, so if the electricity stays on, I will be perfectly happy trying new recipes, and enjoying the puzzles, books, and of course, the computer. We do have it good in 2010!
Last week, I was able to shovel and clean my walk and driveway - with 2' possible, I make no promises for this time, so I may be snowbound for a bit. I hope everyone will enjoy the beauty of the snow, and spend time with those you love and enjoy this opportunity to "slow down" in this busy world and enjoy those persons and things that are most important.

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